The Afrikaans website is operated by the owners of We aim to create the most comprehensive guide on accommodation outside the Kruger National Park in Afrikaans.

The website is on page 1 for search terms such as Krugerwildtuin Akkommodasie , Verblyf buite die Krugerwildtuin etc.

You only pay R1,800 once to be listed on the website. A listing consists of a mini website on this website. We use the information from your existing website and translate the accommodation particulars to be included on your listing.

Om u gastehuis of lodge op hierdie webwerf te adverteer is eenvoudig. U betaal 'n eenmalige fooi van R1,800 vir 'n leeftyd se advertensie. Die webwerf is reeds 10 jaar oud en doen goed met internet soektogte.


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